1. Money : Definition, Nature and Functions 2. Classification of Money 3. Role of Money : In Capitalist, Socialist and Mixed Economies 4. Supply of Money 5. Theory of Money : Fisher’s Quantity Theory of Money 6. Income Theory of Money 7. Inflation and Deflation : Definition, Types, Causes and Effects 8. Demand-Full Inflation and Cost-Push Inflation 9. Commercial Banking : Meaning, Types and Functions 10. Central Banking : Meaning, Importance and Functions 11. Reserve Bank of India : Credit Control 12. International Economics : Meaning and Significance 13. Gains From International Trade 14. Inter-Regional Trade and International Trade 15. Theories of International Trade : Theory of Absolute Advantage 16. Opportunity Cost Doctrine of International Trade 17. Modern Theory of International Trade : Heckscher— Ohlin Theory 18. Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment 19. Exchange Rate and its Determination 20. Free Trade and Protection
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