Buy Vipnan Prabadh Marketing Management to the National Education Policy (NEP) - 2020 Various Universities of Uttrakhand for B. Com. IVth Semester.

NEP विपणन प्रबंध Marketing Management B. Com. 4th Sem

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According to the National Education Policy (NEP) - 2020 Various Universities of Uttrakhand for B. Com. IVth Semester.

Book Code : 3351

ISBN : 978-93-5167-180-0

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : R. C. Agrawal & Dr. N. S. Kothari

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Book Content

1. Marketing—Meaning (Micro and Macro Meaning), Characteristics, Nature, Scope, Evolution and Development, Functions, Importance and Selling Vs. Marketing 2. Marketing Concept—Meaning, Traditional and Modern, Evolution, Forms, Social Responsibility and Importance (Marketing Concept) 3. The Concept of Marketing Mix 4. Marketing Environment—Meaning, Macro and Micro Components and their Impact on Marketing Decisions 5. Market Segmentation and Positioning—Meaning and Definitions, Objectives, Causes, Bases, Alternate Market Strategies toward Market Segmentation, Requirements for an Effective Market Segmentation, Importance 6. Consumer Behaviour or Buyer Behaviour—Charac-teristics Factors affecting Consumer Behaviour, Principles, Importance, Consumer Behaviour Models, Buying Behaviour of Indian Consumers 7. Product—Meaning, Concept, Definitions, Importance, Classification, Product Related Policy Decisions, Product Mix, Product Line Policies and Strategies, Product Simplification and Diversification 8. Product Planning—Meaning and Definition, Charac-teristics, Importance, Scope, Role of Marketing Manager, Planned Obsolescence and Product Change Decision 9. New Product Development—New Product Development Process, Importance, Principles, Failure of New Products, Problems of New Product Development, Suggestions to Prevent Failure of New Product 10. Product Identification—Brand, Trade Mark, Packaging and Lebeling Decisions—Meaning of Product Identification, Brand—Characteristics, Types, Importance, Reasons for not using Brand, Brand Policies and Strategies, Social Desirability of Brand, Trade Mark—Difference between Brand and Trademark, Packaging—Characteristics, Classification, Characteristics of a Good Package, Objectives of Packaging, Advantages of Packaging, Packaging Decisions, Packaging with reference to India, Lebeling, Product Design, Product Quality, Warranty 11. Product Life Cycle—Concept, Stages, Strategic Implica-tions, Extension, Affecting Factors, Position of Profits, Utility and Importance 12. Pricing Decisions—Meaning, Components, Nature, Factors affecting Price Decisions or Determination, Pricing Decisions, Process, Non-price Competition, Objectives, Pricing Strate-gies, Pricing Policies, Price Changes, Price Determination of a New Product, Price Determination Steps (Procedure), Pricing Methods, Importance or Advantages, Discounts and Rebates 13. Channels of Distribution—Meaning, Types, Functions, Factors affecting Choice of Channels, Process of Distribution, Role or Services of Middlemen, Should the Middlemen be abolished ? 14. Wholesaler or Wholesale Distribution of Manage-ment—Meaning, Characteristics, Types, Functions, Services, Disadvantages of Wholesaler, Should Wholesalers be removed? 15. Retail Distribution Management—Meaning, Charac-teristics, Functions, Services, Retailing by Manufactures, Classification of Retailers—(i) Peddlers, (ii) Retail Shops,    (iii) Large Scale Retailers, (iv) Miscellaneous 16. Physical Distribution Management—Meaning, Objec-tives, Scope of Physical Distribution System, Factors affecting Physical Distribution System, Decision Areas in Management of Physical Distribution, Importance of Physical Distribution System, Responsibility of Physical Distribution 17. Transportation—Functions of Transportation, Classi-fication of Means of Transport—Land Transport, Water Transport, Air Transport, Choice of Mode of Transportation, Economic Significance of Transport 18. Warehousing—Characteristics, Objectives, Difference between Storage and Warehouse, Importance of Warehousing, Functions, Types of Warehouses—Public and Private Warehouses, Designing the Warehousing System, Advantages of Warehousing, Warehouses in India 19. Inventory Control and Order Processing—Meaning and Definitions of Inventory Control, Nature, Need for Inventory, Classification of Inventory, Need for Inventory Control, Objects, Functions of Inventory Control Department, Advantages of Inventory Control, A. B. C. Analysis, Determination of Economic Order Quantity, Order Processing 20. Promotion Decisions—Meaning and Definitions, Objec-tives of Promotion, Need and Importance, Promotion Decisions, Promotion Mix, Marketing Communication 21. Personal Selling—Meaning and Definitions, Charac-teristics, Nature, Types, Selling Process, Importance of Personal Selling, Limitations or Disadvantages 22. Advertising Management—Meaning and Definitions, Characteristics, Meaning of Publicity and Difference between Advertising and Publicity, Public Relations— Meaning and Definitions, Characteristics, Objectives of Public Relations, Department, Role of Public Relations in Business Organisations, Objectives of Advertising, Functions, Principles of Effective Advertising, Advantages of Advertising, Disadvantages of Advertising, Does the Advertising increase cost of Articles, Limitations of Advertising, Advertising Appropriation or Advertising Budget, Media of Advertising, Advertising Copy, Evaluation of Advertising Effictiveness 23. Sales Promotion—Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics Relation of Sales Promotion with Advertising and Personal Selling, Difference between Advertising and Sales Promotion, 

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : R. C. Agrawal & Dr. N. S. Kothari
  • Class : B. Com. IVth Semester All Uttrakhand Universities
  • Page No. : 386
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.