1. Business Organisation : Nature and Concept 2. Social Responsibility and Ethics 3. Stages of Promotion of Business 4. Sole Proprietorship or Sole Trade 5. Partnership Including Provisions of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 6. Organisation of Co-operative Societies 7. Company/Joint Stock Company 8. Public Sector Enterprises 9. Forms of Public Sector Enterprises 10. Global Enterprises (Multinational Companies) and Public Private Partnership 11. Business Communications : An Introduction 12. Dimension, Directions and Channels of Communication 13. Means of Communication : Verbal Communication 14. SWOT Analysis 15. Non-Verbal Communication 16. Barriers in Communication 17. Written Business Communication and Business : Letters 18. Kinds of Business Letters : Request Letter 19. Persuasive Letters : Sales Letter and Collection Letter 20. Modern Forms of Communication 21. International Communication Adapting to Global Business 22. Group Communication Network 23. Business Survey Report
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