UNIT - I Intermediate Micro Economics-II
1. General Equilibrium of Exchange and Production and Pareto Efficiency, 2. Walfare Economics and Problems in Measuring Welfare, 3. Pigouvian Walfare Economics and Pareto Optimality, 4. Social Welfare Function, 5. Market Failures : Externalities and Public Goods, 6 .Monopoly Power, 7. Price Discrimination, 8. Monopolistic Competition : Price Determination, 9. Oligopoly,
UNIT - II Intermediate Macro Economics-II
1. Theory of Money : Quantity Theory and Cambridge Theory, 2. The Keynesian Theory of Price, 3. Milton Friedman’s Reformulation of Quantity Theory of Money and its Further Development, 4. Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy, 5. Normative Approach and theory of Fiscal Policy, 6. Fiscal Policy and Economic Development, 7. The Government Budget Constraint, 8. Public Debts : Classification, Sources and Effects, 9 .Redemption of Public Debts, 10. New-Classical Economic Thoughts : Marshall, 11. Arther Cecil Pigou, 12. Wieksell, Fisher, Wicksteed and Taussig, 13. New or New-Keynesian Economic Thought,
UNIT - III International Trade
1. International Economics : Meaning and Significance 2. Inter-regional Trade and International Trade 3. Theories of International Trade 4. Opportunity Cost Doctrine of International Trade 5. Modern Theory of International Trade or Heckscher-Ohlin Theory 6. Terms of Trade 7 .Gains from International Trade, 8. Free Trade and Protection 9 .Tariffs 10 .Import Quotas 11. Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments 12. Devalution and Convertibility of Rupee 13. Foreign Trade Multiplier 14. International Monetary Fund 15. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 16. GAAT and World Trade Organisation 17. International Trade and Economic Development.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.