Buy Arthashastra (Economics) According to New Syllabus of Bihar Universities for B.A. and M.A. Classes and also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

अर्थशास्त्र Economics B.A. 1st Year

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According to New Syllabus of Bihar Universities for B.A. and M.A. Classes and also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

Book Code : 7430

ISBN : 978-93-5167-381-1

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. Pushpa Sinha. Dr. V. C. Sinha

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Book Content



1. Definitions, Nature and Scope of Economics,  2. Study Methods of Economics, 3. Choice : An Economic Problem, 4. Basic Postulates or Concepts, 5. Role of Price-Mechanism, 6. Demand and Supply : Basic Framework and Market Equilibrium, 7. Concept and Type of Equilibrium, 8. Micro and Macro Analysis, 9. Static and Dynamic Analysis, 


1.Utility Analysis (Cardinal Utility Analysis), 2. Indifference Curve Analysis, 3. Price Elasticity of Demand, 4. Consumer's Surplus, 5. Revealed Preference Theory, 


1. Production Function and Law of Variable Proportion, 2. ISO-Product or Equi-Product Curve : Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution, Production Decision and Expansion Path, 3. Returns to Scale, 4. Economies of Scale and Elasticity of Substitution, 5. Theory of Cost, 6. Equilibrium of Firm, 


1.Market and Market Structure, 2. Price Determination under Perfect Competition, 3. Monopoly : Price Determination, Measurement of Monopoly Power, Monopoly Control and Taxation and Monopoly Regulation, 4. Price Discrimination under Monopoly, 5. Monopolistic Competition—Price Determination, 6. Oligopoly and Duopoly : Price Determination, 7. Notion of Controlled and Administered Prices, 


1.Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution, 2. Adding up Theorem (or Euler's Theory), 3. Theories of Wage Determination and Relationship with Collective Bargaining, 4. Rent, 5. Interest, 6. Profit, 


1.Welfare Economics and Problems in Measuring Welfare, 2. Classical Welfare Economics, Pigou's and Pareto's Theory, 


1.Indian Economy in Pre-British Period—Structure and Organization of Villages, Towns and Industries Handicraft, 2.Market Economy during British Period, 3. Discriminating Protection Policy Industrial Development during British Period, 4. Monetary and Currency Development, Commercial and Central Banking Development and Taxation System during British Period, 5. Forms of Colonialism and Economic Drain, 6. Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence, 7. Planning Exercise and Planning Machinery in India, 8. Structure and Basic Features of Indian Economy, 9. Natural Resources of India—Land, Water Forest, 10. Demographic Features of India, 11. Population Policy in India, 12. Economic Infra-structure—Energy, Transport and Communication, 13. Social Infra-structure : Education, Health and Housing, 14. National Income in India, 15.Economic Planning in India, 16. Tenth and Eleventh Five Year Plans, 17. Economic Reforms in India–Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation, 18. Indian Agriculture : Nature, Importance, Trends in Agricultural Production and Productivity, 19. Irrigation, 20. Land Tenure and Reforms, 21. New Agricultural Strategies : Green Revolution and Agriculture Mechanisation, 22. Agricultural (Rural) Finance or Credit, 23. Agricultural Marketing, 24. Food Problem, Food Security and Public Distribution  System, 25. Industrial Development of India during Planning Period, 26. Industrial Policy in India, 27. Industrial Licensing Policy—M. R. T. P., 28. Regulation of Foreign Investment—FERA and FEMA, 29. Cottage and Small Scale Industries in India, 30. Public Sector (Enterprises) in India, 31. Industrial Finance, 32. Foreign Trade and Export Promotion in India, 33. Balance of Payment and Import Substitution in India, 34. Export-Import Policy of India, 35. Foreign Capital, Foreign Investment and Multinational Corporations, 36. Poverty in India, 37. Problem of Unemployment in India, 38. Problem of Rising Prices (Inflation), 39. Inequalities of Income Distribution in India, 40. Industrial Relations and Disputes, 41. Community Development Project and Panchayati Raj in India, 42. Agricultural Labour in India, 43. National Labour Policy, 44. Trade Union, 45. Economy of Bihar. 

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. Pushpa Sinha. Dr. V. C. Sinha
  • Class : B.A. Ist Year (B.N. Mandal University), B.A. I (TMB University, Bhagalpur)
  • Page No. : 634
  • Year : 2024
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