1. Definitions, Scope, Subject-Matter and Nature of Economics 2. Micro and Macro Economics 3. Static and Dynamic Analysis 4. Methods of Economic Study (Deductive and Inductive Methods) 5. Central Economic Problems 6. Cardinal Utility Analysis : Marginal Utility, Total Utility, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility and Law of Equimarginal Utility (Consumer’s Equilibrium) 7. Ordinal Utility Analysis : Indifference Curve Analysis (Consumer’s Equilibrium, Income Effect, Income Consumption Curve, Price Effect, Price Consumption Curve, Substitution Effect and Normal Giffin Goods and Inferior Goods) 8. Consumer’s Surplus 9 .Theory of Demand (Law of Demand, Changes in Demand, Derivation of Demand Curve and Engel’s Curve) 10. Elasticity of Demand (Price Elasticity of Demand, Cross Elasticity of Demand and Income Elasticity of Demand) 11. Production Function, Cobb-Douglas Production Function and Law of Variable Proportion 12. Returns to Scale 13. Economies of Scale 14. ISO-Product Curve : Meaning, Characteristics, ISO-Cost Line, Production Decision and Expansion Path 15. Concepts of Cost 16. Concept of Revenue 17. Break-Even Analysis 18. Equilibrium of Firm 19. Market Structure
1. Basic Features of Indian Economy 2. Natural Resources of India : Land, Water and Forest 3. Broad Demographic Features of India or Population of India 4. Rural-Urban Migration in India 5. Population Policy in India 6. Poverty in India 7. Inequalities of Income in India 8. Unemployment Problems in India 9. Problem of Rising Prices in India 10. Economic Planning in India : Objectives, Strategy, Achievements and Facilities 11. Twelfth Five Year Plan of India (2012-17) 12. New Economic Reforms in India : Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation 13.Indian Agriculture : Nature, Importance, Production and Productivity 14 Land Reforms 15. New Agricultural Strategy : Green Revolution and Agricultural Reforms After 1991 16. Agricultural (Rural) Credit, 17. Agricultural Marketing 18. Industrial Policies : 1948, 1956 and 1991, 19. Large Scale Industries in India 20. Cottage and Small Scale Industries in India : Growth, Importance and Problems, 21. Foreign Trade in India : Role, Composition and Direction 22. Foreign Direct Investment in India 23 .Jharkhand Economy : Basic Features, Minerals, Forest and Agriculture.
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