Buy Vyavsayik Sangthan Evam Prabandh Business Organisation And Management to National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 Four Year Under Graduate (FYUGP) for B. Com. IInd Semester (Major).

NEP व्यावसायिक संगठन एवं प्रबंध Business Organisation and Management B. Com. 2nd Sem (Major)

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According to National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 Four Year Under Graduate (FYUGP) for B. Com. IInd Semester (Major).

Book Code : 3450

ISBN : 978-93-6207-711-0

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : R. C. Agrawal, Dr. S. K. Sahu & Dr. D. Chandra

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Book Content

1. Business, Trade, Industry and Commerce : Concept Objective, Function and Importance 2. Social Responsibility of Business, Ethics and Human Values 3. Forms of Business Organisations : Sole Proprietorship or Sole Trade 4. Partnership (Including Provisions of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) 5. Hindu Undivided/Joint Family Business  6. Co-operative Organisation 7. Joint Stock Company 8. Promotion of a Company 9. Memorandum of Association 10. Articles of Association 11. Prospectus 12. Prevention of Oppression and Mis-Management 13. Compromise, Arrangement and Amalgamation 14. Winding up of a Company 15. Management : Meaning and Characteristics 16. Principles of Management : Fayol17. Functions of Management 18. Planning 19. Management By Objectives (MBO) 20. Organizing : Meaning, Importance and Principles 21. Forms of Organisation 22. Span of Management and Centralisation and Decentralisation of Authority 23. Authority, Power, Responsibility, Accountability and Delegation of Authority 24. Co-ordination : Meaning and Nature 25. Control 26. Communication 27. Motivation 28. Leadership

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : R. C. Agrawal, Dr. S. K. Sahu & Dr. D. Chandra
  • Class : B. Com. IInd Semester (Major) Ranchi University, Ranchi B. Com. IInd Semester (Major) Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi
  • Page No. : 320
  • Year : 2025
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.