1. Economic Development : Meaning, Measurement, Indicators and Determinants
2. Underdeveloped (Developing) Economy—Concept of Underdevelopment
3. Human Development
4. Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence (Colonial Economy)
5. Structure and Basic Features of Indian Economy
6. Evaluation of India’s Economic Planning
7. Import Substituting Industrialisation
8. Economic Reforms in India : Liberalisation, Privatisation & Globalisation, Demonetisation and GST
9. Growth, Development and Structural Change in India
10. Various Means of Transport : Road, Rail, Water and Air
11. Changes in Policy Perspective in the Role of Institutional Framework After 1991
12. Economic Growth and Distribution in India
13. Problems of Poverty in India
14. Unemployment in India, Nature, Extent and Employment Policy
15. Economic Development and Environment
16. Agriculture Growth and Performance in India
17. Land Tenure and Reforms : Agricultural Holding and Consolidation
18. Plans and Agriculture Development : Green Revolution
19. Technological Change and Development in Agriculture (Agriculture Mechanisation)
20. Agricultural Price Policy
21. Food Problem, Food Policy, Public Distribution System and Food Security
22. Prominent Large Scale Industries of India—Cotton Textile, Jute, Sugar, Iron and Steel and Cement
23. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in India
24. Foreign Trade of India
25. India and the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
26. Role of Foreign Direct Investment in India
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.