1. Accounting : An Introduction 2. Accounting Principles : Basic Concepts and Conventions 3. Financial Accounting Standards 1. Issue, Forfeiture and Reissue of Shares 2. Concept and Process of Book-Building 3. Issue of Rights, Bonus Shares and Buy Back of Shares 4. Issue and Redemption of Preference Shares 5. Issue of Debentures 6. Redemption of Debentures 7. Final Accounts of Companies 8. Disposal of Profits (As Per New A.S.-4) 9. Valuation of Goodwill 10. Valuation of Shares 11. Accounting for Amalgamation of Companies as per A.S.-14, 12. Internal Reconstruction 13. Consolidated Balance Sheet of Holding Companies/Parent Companies (With A.S. 21) 14. Liquidation of Company (Voluntary Liquidation Only) 15. Voyage Accounts 16. Investment Accounts 17. Underwriting of Shares
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