UNIT- I Theory of Communication, Types and Modes of Communication
1. Introduction 2. Communication-Definitions 3. Functions of Communication 4. Need for Effective Communication 5. Process of Communi-cation 6. Barriers in Communication 7. Kinds and Levels of Communication 8. Verbal Communication 9. Non-Verbal Communication.
UNIT- II Listening and Speaking Skills
1. Introduction 2. Types of Listening 3. Effective Listening Skills 4. Academic Listening 5. Presen-tation 6. Monologue 7. Dialogue 8. Group Discussion 9. Mis-Communication 10. Interview 11. Public Speech 12. Pronunciation 13. Accent 14. Intonation 15. Rhythm.
UNIT – III Reading Skills
1. Skimming 2. Scanning 3. Summary 4. Para-phrasing 5. Comprehension.
UNIT- IV Introductory English Grammar
1. Parts of Speech 2. Time and Tenses 3. Punc-tuation 4. Common Mistakes in English.
UNIT- V Writing Skills : Social and Official Corres-pondence
1. Enquiry Letters 2.Complaint Letters 3. Reply Letters 4. Letters to Editor 5. Social Appeal Letters 6. Business Letters 7. Email 8. Etique-ttes 9. Agenda 10. Minutes 11. Notice.
UNIT – VI Career Skills
1. Job Application Letters 2 Cover Letters.
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