Buy Auditing of Uttrakhand, Bihar and Jharkhand Universities for B. Com and M. Com Classes and also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations

Auditing B. Com. 3rd Year

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According to New Syllabus of Uttrakhand, Bihar and Jharkhand Universities for B. Com and M. Com Classes and also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations

Book Code : 5119

ISBN : 978-93-81865-61-3

Language : English

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. B. K. Mehta, Dr. Kumari Anamikal

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Book Content

1. Origin and Growth of Auditing 2. Meaning, Definition and Scope of Auditing 3. Objects and Advantages of Auditing 4. Classification of Audit 5. Technique, Preparation and Procedure of Audit 6. Internal Control, Check and Audit 7. Vouching 8. Capital and Revenue Expenditure 9. Valuation of Assets and Liabilities 10. Verification of Assets and Liabilities11. Depreciation, Provision and Reserve 12. Appointment, Qualifications, Remuneration, Rights and Duties of an Auditor 13. Liabilities of a Company Auditor 14. Profits, Divisible Profits and Dividends 15. Company Audit 16. Audit of Different Institutions 17. Auditor’s Report and Certificate 18. Investigation 19. New Trends in Auditing 20. Standards on Auditing 21. Audit of Computerized Accounts.

Appendix : Audit Case Laws.

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. B. K. Mehta, Dr. Kumari Anamikal
  • Class : B. Com. IIIrd Year (L.N. Mithila University), B.Com. I (VKS University, Ara), B.Com. Ist Year (B.N. Mandal University), B. Com. I (BRA University, Muzaffarpur), B.Com. I (JP University, Chhapra), B.Com. I (Patna University, Patna), B. Com. I (TMB University, Bhagalpur), B.Com. I (Patliputra University, Patna), B. Com. I (Magadh University, Bodhgaya), B.Com. V Sem (BBMK University, Dhanbad), B.Com. I (Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand)
  • Page No. : 496
  • Year : 2025
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.