Buy Samajshastra Sociology to New Syllabus of Various Universities of India for B.A. and M.A. also very helpful for the students preparing for various Entrance Examination.

समाजशास्त्र Sociology B.A. 2nd year

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According to New Syllabus of Various Universities of India for B.A. and M.A. also very helpful for the students preparing for various Entrance Examination.

Book Code : 8831

ISBN : 978-93-5167-001-8

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. Rabindarnath Mukharjee, Dr. Bharat Agarwal

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Book Content


1. Socialization : Agencies and Theories, 2 .Learning and Socialization, 3 .Role of Imitation in Socialization, 4. Social Control : Concept, Agencies and Theories, 5. Forms of Social Control : Formal and Informal, 6. Family and Social Control, 7. State, 8.Law, 9. Religion and Social Control, 10. Social Control and Public Opinion, 11. Propaganda and Social Control, 12. Reward and Punishment, 13. Language, Humour and Art, 14.Social Change : Concept and Pattern of Social Change, 15. Social Evolution, 16. Progress and Development, 17. Theories of Social Change : Linear and Cyclic Theories, 18. Factors of Social Change : Population and Social Change, 19. Technological and Economic Factors of Social Change, 20. Cultural Factors of Social Change, 


1.The Concept of Social Disorganization, 2. Personal Disorganization : Creative and Pathological Personality, 3. Family Disorganization, 4. Cultural Disorganization : Degeneration in Morals and Manners, 5. Social Disorganization in India, 6. Concept of Crime : Legal and Sociological and Types of Crime, 7. Theories of Crime, 8. Juvenile Delinquency, 9. White-Collar Crime, 10. Dowry-System, 11. Divorce, 12. Domestic Violence, 13. Intra and Inter-Generation Conflict, 14. Poverty, 15. Unemployment, 16. Casteism, 17. Communalism, 18. Regionalism, 19. Terrorism, 20. Youth Activism or Unrest, 21. Prostitution, 22. Alcoholism and Drug-Addiction, 23. Environmental Pollution. 


Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. Rabindarnath Mukharjee, Dr. Bharat Agarwal
  • Class : B.A. IInd year Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University
  • Page No. : 481
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.