UNIT - I Emergence and Growth of Psychology
1. Origin and Development of Psychology : As on Indepen-dent Science 2. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt 3. E. B. Titchener : Structuralism 4. William James (1842-1910) 5. Contribution of Watson in Development of Behaviourism 6. Watson’s Environmentalism 7. Gestalt Psychology : Foundation, Experimental Contri-bution, Criticism and Present Status and Works of Wertheimer, Kohler and Koffka.
UNIT - II Statistics-II
1. Normal Probability Curve : Nature, Characteristics and Uses 2. Correlation : Historical Perspective, Coefficient of Correlation, Pearson Coefficient of Correlation and Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient 3. Computer Analysis : Preparation of Data, Software Packages of Statistics and Its Applications 4. Null Hypothesis : Chi-Square Test 5. Hypothesis Testing & Making Inference 6. Sampling Distribution 7. Standard Errors of Difference (Mean), Significance of Difference and Degree of Freedom 8. Computation and Interpretation of ‘T’ Value.
UNIT - III Social Psychology
1. Brief History of Social Psychology 2. Social : Psychology and Social System in India 3. Social Stratification : Caste and Class 4. Power : Social Power 5. Social Inequality : Poverty 6. Deprivation : A Socio-Psychological Analysis 7. Environmental Issues : Environment, Culture and Behaviour 8. Crowding : Explanation and Consequences 9. Anti-Social Behaviour 10. Crime and Delinquency : Causes, Prevention and Measures 11. Population Explosion and Health.
Practical Psychology
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.