Paper-I : Local Self Government in India
1. System of Local Self Government : Origin and Development. 2. Main Provisions of the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments. 3. Three Tier Panchayati Raj System. 4. Municipality and Municipal Corporations : Composition and Functions. 5. Finance of Local Self Government of B.D.O. 6. Public Participation and Local Self Government : Gram Sabha and Social Audit. 7. The Impact of Women’s Quota on Panchayati Raj System. 8. Local Autonomy : Problem and Prospect.
Paper-II : Comparative Government and Politics
1. Comparative Politics : Meaning, Nature and Scope 2. Salient Features of the Constitution (Britain, USA, France, Switzerland and China) 3. Approaches of the Study of Comparative Politics : System Theory and Structural Functional Approach 4. Federal and Unitary Systems 5. Constitutional Structures : Executive 6. Constitutional Structures : Legislature 7. Constitutional Structures : Judiciary 8. Process of Constitutional Amendments.
Paper-III : Ancient Medieval Western Political Thought
1. Characteristics of Ancient Western Political Thought 2. Plato-Justice, Education, Communism and Philosopher King 3. Aristotle-State, Citizenship, Slavery and Revolution 4. Cicero : Natural Law 5. Characteristics of Medieval Political Thought 6. St. Thomas Acquinas 7. St. Augustine 8. Marsiglio of Padua.
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.