1. Human Development : Nature, Scope, Determinants of Development and Law of Development 2. Concept of Cultural, Ecological, Social, Parental and Biological Development 3. Theories of Freud and Erikson 4. Approaches : Cross Sectional, Longitudinal, Sequential, Biographical, Case Study and Observation Methods 5. Cognitive Development : Nature and Approaches : Piaget, Vyogotsky and Information Processing, 6. Sensory and Perceptual Development : Process, Sensory Capacities of Infants, Perceptual Development : Dimensions and Determinants, 7. Sensation : Visual Sensation : Visual Stimulus, Structure of Eye, Colour Vision, Auditory Sensation : Auditory Stimulus, Structure of Ear and Theories of Audition, 8. Thoughts and Language : Nature, Theories, Stages and Development, 9. Emotion : Nature of Emotion, Meaning and Definition, Physiological Changes During Emotions, Theories of Emotions : James Lauge and Cannon-Ward Theory, 10. Concept of Social Development : Criteria and Stages, Concepts and Development of Emotions : Watson and Bridges Theories, 11. Concept and Development of Morality : Kohlberg’s Theory and Determinants, 12. Self and Identity : Self Concept and Self Mirror Images, 13. Developmental Concerns During Adulthood, 14. Aging : Meaning, Characteristics, Personal, Social, Vocational, Family Adjustment and Factors Influencing Adjustment During Aging,
Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.