Buy Bhugol Geography According to the Latest Syllabus based on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for Kumaun University, Nainital (K.U.), for B. A. Semester - I.

भूगोल Geography B. A. 1st Sem

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According to the Latest Syllabus based on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for Kumaun University, Nainital (K.U.), for B. A. Semester - I.

Book Code : 6317

ISBN : 978-93-5167-688-1

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. Chaturbhuj Mamoria, Dr. M. S. Sisodia

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Book Content

Physical Geography-I
1. Physical Geography : Definition, Nature, Scope and Relation-ship with other Science 2. Origin of the Earth 3. Age of the Earth and Geological Time Scale 4. Interior Structure of Earth 5. Isostacy 6. Rocks 7. Origin of Continents and Ocean Basins 8. Theory of Plate Tectonics 9. Folds and Faults 10. Earthquakes 11. Volcanoes 12. Major Landforms-Mountains Himalayan Orogeny 13. Weathering and Erosion 14. Concept of Cycle of Erosion 15. Evolution of Landforms : Fluvial Landforms Waterfalls, Flood Plains and Delta 16. Aeolian Landforms : Blowouts and Sanddunes 17.Glacial Landforms : Cirques and Moraines 18. Karst Land Forms : Coverns and Land Forms Caused by Deposition 19. Coastal Land Forms : Sea Cliffs and Beaches (Major Land Forms of Uttarakhand)
Geography of Asia
1. Asia—A Geographical Unit 2. Asia—Relief 3. Asia—Surface Structure 4. Asia—Drainage System 5. Asia—Climate 6. Asia—Natural Vegetation 7. Asia—Soil 8. Asia—Agriculture 9.  Asia—Mineral Resources 10. Asia—Manufacturing Industry 11. Asia—Populations 12. Asia—Transport 13. Asia—A Political Unit 14. China : An Introduction 15. Japan : Britain of the East 16. Nepal 17. Bangla Desh 18. Myammar (Burma) 19. Pakistan 20. Ceylon 21. Kazakhastan 22. Indonesia 23. Iran 24. Israel
Practical Geography : Basic Cartographic Techniques
1. Nature and Scope of Cartography 2. Scale 3. Enlargement and Reduction of Map 4. Map Projection

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. Chaturbhuj Mamoria, Dr. M. S. Sisodia
  • Class : B. A. Ist Semester Kumaun University, Nainital
  • Page No. : 276
  • Year : 2024
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Excellent as described in the picture. Outstanding quality.