UNIT - I Development and Environmental Economics
1. Economics Growth and Development : Concept 2. Determinants of Economic Development 3. Factors Effecting Economic Growth-Labour, Capital & Technology 4. Techniques of Development (Capital Intensive and Labour Intensive) 5. Developed and Under-Developed (Developing) Economy 6. Poverty : Absolute and Relative 7. The Marxian Model of Economic Growth 8. The Mahalanobis Model 9. Balanced and Unbalanced Growt 10. Population Problem and Growth Pattern of Population 11. The Theory of Demographic Transition 12. Population, Poverty and Environment 13. Schumpeter’s Theory of Economic Growth 14. Big Push Theory 15. Nelson’s Theory of Low-Level Equilibrium Trap 16. Theory of Critical Minimum Effort 17. The Harrod and Domar Models 18. Solow’s Model of Economic Growth19. Mead’s Economic Growth Theory 20. Mrs. John Robbinson’s Growth Model 21. Lewis Theory of Unlimited Supply of Labour 22. Valuation of Environmental Damages : Land, Water, Air and Forest 23. Control and Abatement of Population 24. Environment Economy Linkage and Population Environ-ment Linkage 25. Environment as a Public Goods and Market Failure and Environment 26. Environmental Legislation 27. Sustainable Development and Environmental Accounting 28. Concept of Intellectual Capital : Food Security, Education, Health and Nutrition 29. The Role of Agriculture in Economic Development and Importance of Land Reforms 30. Technological Changes and Development in Agriculture 31. Sustainable Agriculture 32. Globalization and Agriculture Growth.
UNIT - II Statistical Methods
1. Statistics : Meaning, Nature and Limitations 2. Statistics : Scope and Importance 3. Statistical Investigation 4. Sampling 5. Collection of Data : Primary & Secondary Data 6. Diagrammatic Presentation of Data 7. Graphic Presentation of Data 8. Measures of Central Tendency 9. Measures of Skewness 10. Probability Theory 11. Measures of Dispersion 12. Correlation 13. Index Number 14. Analysis of Time-Series.
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