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भारत का इतिहास [1750 - 1950 ई.) History of India M. A. 4th Sem

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According to New Syllabus of Bihar Universities for B.A. and M.A. Classes and also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations.

Book Code : 7271

ISBN : 978-93-84223-24-3

Language : Hindi

Edition : Latest

Availability : In Stock

Authors : Dr. A. K. Agrawal, Rinki Agrawal

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Book Content

1. Modern Indian Historiography : Concept, Approach and Sources, 2. India at the Advent of Europeans : Polity, Economy, Society and Culture, 3. Expansion and Consolidation of British Rule, 4. Colonial State and Ideology, 5. Rural Economy and Society, 6. Tribal Dimension : Society and Changing Economy, 7. Trade and De-Industrialisation, 8. Development of Modern and Indiginous Bank, 9. Emergence of Modern Industries and Occupational Structure, 10. National Income, 11. Demography, 12. Resistance to British Rule and the Uprising of 1857, 13. Rise of Modern Education and Press, 14. Rise of New Intelligentia Group and Socio-Religious Reform Movements, 15. Changing Position and Attitude of the Women, 16. Sanskritization : Caste Movement, 17. Historiography : National Trends and Nationalism, 18. Foundation of the Indian National Congress and the Mode-rates' Movement, 19. Rise of Extremist, 20. Swadeshi Movement and Revolutionary, 21. Emergence of Communal Consciousness, 22. Gandhian Ideology and Movements : 1919-1942 : Rowlett Satyagraha, Khilafat, Non-Cooperation, Civil Disobe-dience, Quit India, 23. Revolutionary, Leftists Movement, 24. Constitutional Change : Marly Minto Reforms, Govt. of India Act of 1919, Govt. of India Act of 1935, 25. Swarajists, Simon Commission, Nehru Report, 26. Working of Provincial Ministries, 27. Communal Award, Cripps Mission, Wavill Plan, Cabinet Mission Plan, Indian National Army, Telangana and Naval Mutiny, 28. Communal Politics and Partition, 29. India from 1947 to 1950. 

Book Details
  • Author/Authors : Dr. A. K. Agrawal, Rinki Agrawal
  • Class : M. A. IVth Semester (Chhattisgarh Universities), B.A. III (VKS University, Ara), B.A. IIIrd Year (B.N. Madal University, Madhepura), B.A. III (BRA University, Muzaffarpur), B.A. III (Patna University, Patna), B.A. III (TMB University, Bhagalpur), B.A. III (Patliputra University, Patna), B.A. III (Magadh University, Bodhgaya)
  • Page No. : 318
  • Year : 2024
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